domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010


Universidades de Granada

La Universidad de Granada es una universidad pública española. Posee campos universitarios en las ciudades de Granda, Ceuta y Melilla .

Las facultades que se encuentran en granada son:

Facultad de Bellas Artes

Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación

Facultad de Ciencias

Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología

Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación

Facultad de Derecho

Facultad de Educación y Humanidades de Granada (sede de Melilla)

Facultad de Farmacia

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Facultad de Medicina

Facultad de Odontología

Facultad de Psicología

Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación

In Norway there are four universities

Oslo, which is the oldest and most important, and Bergen, the University of Norway, located in Trondheim, NTNU (formerly University of Trondheim, including Senior State Polytechnic Institute) and the University of Tromsø. There are also six specialized colleges of university: College of Agronomy (Ås), Graduate School of Commerce (Bergen), School of Music, School of Physical Education and Sports, College of Veterinary Medicine and School of Architecture (the last four in Oslo, capital of the Kingdom). There are also two State High Schools of Art, one in Oslo and one in Bergen. They are taught at different levels, varying the length of study from four to seven years. The first higher education degree (Candidatus teachers), is obtained after 3 to 4 years of study. Students who have achieved this degree can continue their studies and get after 2 years of study, philologiae candidatus titles (in humans), candidatus scient (natural science), candidatus politicarumrerum (social science) or in a field specific. The Degree of Doctor is obtained after 2 or 3 years of study followed by candidatus in a specialty. The Regional Centers of higher education aim to facilitate access to higher education in remote areas. The programs offered at these centers are generally shorter and more vocational orientation than those in universities. The length of study is two to four years, with the following modalities: training of teachers in nursery and primary education, engineering, nursing and social care and other specialties in occupational guidance and a series of parallel studies on Universities in their primary and secondary grades

sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

Sistema Educativo en Noruega

Actualmente, el sistema educativo noruego está experimentando grandes reformas, tanto por lo que respecta a su estructura como a su contenido.

A partir del año escolar 1997-98, se estableció el inicio de la escolarización obligatoria a partir de los seis años de edad. Se introduce un nuevo plan de estudios para la educación básica de diez años (Plan Nacional de Educación 97).

Enseñanza básica obligatoria

De 1889 a 1969, la educación primaria comprendía siete cursos, que se ampliaron a nueve en 1969. El Parlamento de Noruega ha resuelto que a partir del 1 de julio de 1997 los niños inicien la enseñanza primaria a los seis años de edad. La enseñanza básica obligatoria abarcará en adelante diez años y estará dividida en tres ciclos:

Ciclo Infantil: 1. curso - 4to curso

Ciclo Intermedio: 5. curso - 7mo curso

Ciclo Juvenil: 8. curso – 10mo curso

Muchos de los centros de enseñanza básica son combinados y en ellos se imparten los cursos de los tres ciclos que arriba se mencionan.

Educación secundaria

Los estudios secundarios abarcan todos los niveles comprendidos entre la educación básica obligatoria y la educación superior. A partir del curso 1994-95, los estudiantes noruegos de edades comprendidas entre los 16 y los 19 años tienen derecho a cursar tres años de enseñanza media que les capaciten para continuar estudios, para la formación profesional o para ambos.

Hasta la reforma educativa de 1976, existía una diversidad de centros docentes en los que se podían cursar distintas modalidades de enseñanza, pero este sistema fue reemplazado por otro que abarca el Bachillerato y la Formación Profesional. Ahora se considera tan importante la enseñanza teórica como la técnico-profesional; ambas modalidades se imparten a menudo en el mismo establecimiento docente.

La educación secundaria está organizada en 13 modalidades de estudio, cada una de ellas con sus cursos básicos y superiores, inclusive el período de aprendizaje.

Educación Superior

La enseñanza superior se imparte en las Universidades y Escuelas Superiores. Se accede a ella una vez superados los estudios secundarios.


Currently, the Norwegian educational system is undergoing major reforms, both as regards its structure and its contents.
From the 1997-98 school year, established the beginning of compulsory education from six years of age. It introduces a new curriculum for basic education ten years (National Education Plan 97).
Compulsory basic education
From 1889 to 1969, primary education comprised seven courses, which were expanded to nine in 1969. The Norwegian Parliament has decided that from 1 July 1997, the children start primary school at six years old. Cover compulsory basic education in ten years ahead will be divided into three cycles:

• Cycle Children: 1. course- 4th year.

• Cycle Intermediate: 5. course - 7th year.

• Youth Cycle: 8. course - 10th year.

Many primary schools are combined and taught them the courses of the three cycles mentioned above.
Secondary Education
Secondary education covering all levels ranging from compulsory basic education and higher education. From 1994-95, Norwegian students aged 16 to 19 years are entitled to take three years of secondary education that enable them to continue studies for vocational training or both.
Until the educational reform of 1976, there was a diversity of schools in which they could pursue different modes of teaching, but this system was replaced with one which covers the Upper Secondary and Vocational Training. It is now considered so important theoretical and technical-professional, both modalities are often taught in the same educational institution.
Secondary education is organized into 13 study modes, each with their basic courses and above, including apprenticeship.
Higher Education
Higher education is taught in universities and colleges. It is accessed for once the high school